- 52) We know that McCain sent people to the UK to help assemble and distribute the Steele dossier that would be used as evidence to obtain FISA warrants for spying on Trump. #Qanon
- 53) We also know that McCain met Andrew Wood at the 2017 Halifax International Security Forum in Nova Scotia to facilitate the spread of the dossier. #Qanon
- 56) How would #Qanon know about McCain's covert activities in the UK if he's a LARP? Ask yourself how he got an accurate read on Peter Strzok's closed-door testimony before Congress before it was reported in the news?
- 57) Unlike Peter Strzok, Congressional leaders reported that Lisa Page was very cooperative during her closed-door testimony. Page was so cooperative, that at times she answered questions before the FBI attorneys could mute her microphone. #Qanon https://www.theepochtimes.com/lawmakers-send-mixed-signals-on-contradictions-in-fbis-strzok-page-testimonies_2595763.html …
- 59) #Qanon reposted the photo matching Lisa Page with the photo taken in London. The message is to her. Evidently, she made a promise and they expect her to keep it.
- 60) #Qanon wants Page (and us) to know that because the public is now aware that the Obama administration conspired with the UK to gather intelligence within the Five Eyes with the goal of interfering in the 2016 election, Page has no choice but to honor her commitment.
- 61) #Qanon pointed out that Peter Strzok will likely testify again before Congress to provide answers to questions he avoided previously.
- 62) In light of Page's testimony, Strzok may be more motivated to answer questions this time. #Qanon
- 66) Is there evidence outside of #Qanon posts to support the idea that the UK was involved in a conspiracy to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election? I believe there is.
- 67) Former C_IA Director John Brennan's reaction and comments about election interference are telling. He seemed to acknowledge the fact that nations other than Russia interfered in the election but didn't want to discuss what he knew publicly. Was he covering for the UK? #Qanon
- 68) #Qanon wrote: "What if intel masked penetration(s) to frame Russia? Crowdstrike?"
- 69) Translation: What if the Obama Intelligence community found a way to mask the leak of information from the DNC server in a way that enabled them to frame Russia for it? #Qanon asked: Why was Crowdstrike hired to examine the server?
- 70) Eric Schmidt and Google give substantial financial and tech support to Dems and the companies and causes they're interested in. Crowdstrike receives a lot of funding from CapitalG (Formerly Google Capital.) #Qanon https://www.crowdstrike.com/resources/news/crowdstrike-closes-100-million-series-d-financing-round/ …
- 70) Crowdstrike claims they gave the FBI the data they obtained from their examination of the DNC server. They dodge the issue of why the FBI didn't take possession of the server to conduct their own examination. #Qanon Link: https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-missing-dnc-server-is-neither-missing-nor-a-server …
- 71) Wikileaks Vault 7 is a treasure trove of information on the CIA's spying and hacking capabilities. Let's look at a few of their tools. #Qanon https://wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/
- 72) The C_IA has software from other nations. The program Umbrage allows them to hack a computer system and leave bits of computer code that originated in another country. Forensic examination incorrectly assigns blame to that country. The C_IA could frame Russia. #Qanon
- 73) Wikileaks does not reveal its sources. Julian Assange did confirm that the emails from the DNC did not come from Russia or any other state government. He believes the Russian hacking story was fabricated to delegitimize President Trump. #Qanon
- 74) If Assange is to be believed and the emails were not hacked by Russia then how did Wikileaks get the emails? #Qanon wrote: Servers. SR. (Seth Rich) JA. (Julian Assange) Why does the UK gov desperately want JA? Think source files.
- 75) Assange has the source files and can prove his claim that they did not come from Russia. If he testifies during the DNC lawsuit against himself, Wikileaks and POTUS, the truth can finally come out. #Qanon
- 76) Last Friday, The DNC filed a motion in a Federal court in Manhattan to serve the notice of the complaint to Wikileaks via their Twitter account. #Qanon
- 77) #Qanon asked: Why does the UK government desperately want JA? Their involvement in the plot to interfere in our Presidential election will be exposed if Assange is allowed to testify.
- 78) I suspect British Intel Chief Robert Hannigan knew the house of cards was about to collapse which is why he resigned 3 days after President Trump was inaugurated. #Qanon
- 79) I'd like to finish with Wikileaks Vault 7. The C_IA found vulnerabilities in iPhone and Android software that could enable them to interfere with the President's Twitter account. #Qanon
- 80) Which makes me wonder if this is what #Qanon was referring to in this post from November 2, 2017.
- 53 more replies
Friday, July 27, 2018
McCain sent people to the UK to help assemble and distribute the Steele dossier