Monday, August 13, 2012

Paul Ryan has me JAZZED. The Monday blog post is UP! GoHeyJudy!: The GOP Is More Than Energized

Paul Ryan has me JAZZED. The Monday blog post is UP! GoHeyJudy!: The GOP Is More Than Energized  
Hey, Fellow Campers! Receive 20% off when you shop with me, Judy, on Etsy! Just enter the coupon code Blog1Judy. Why? Because you're groovy.


The GOP Is More Than Energized


Moondoggie!  I am PUMPED, fellow campers.  PUMPED I tell you!  In case anyone lives under a Geico rock - or overseas and/or could care less - presumed Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney chose none other than Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as his vice presidential running mate, and I am excited in case anyone hasn't figured that out in my opening paragraph for this fine week.  Admittedly, I wasn't a big Romney supporter from the beginning - as you all have probably read - but I've been liking him more and more and this seals the deal for me.  This, campers, is a business man, and I'm liking it.  

I've been a Paul Ryan fan since day one because nothing beats a guy who calls a fiscal shot a fiscal shot in politics whether anyone wants to hear it or not, sticks with his ability to add, and would be ready to GloveSmack the POTUS with his budget in hand faster than you can say Marxist but wouldn't as he's a gentlemen in case anyone forgot what one of those looks like.  These two are going to be, if I may make a prediction which are dangerous things, one class act and it's going to be a fabulous twelve weeks leading up to the election.  Please pass the popcorn as I can't wait to witness the cob roller in chief, his sidekick Biden, and none other than NonGuy David Axelrod and Debbie "The Wasserman" Schultz try and outclass these two with their misguided attempts at bull excrement which becomes more insane by the day.

I had the discomfort of tuning into "regular" television last night to watch 60 Minutes for perhaps only five of those to hear an interview with Romney and Ryan spewed forth by red faced and condescending television interview person whose name I haven't a clue and could care less as I haven't the patience for programming like that.  Said interviewer pressed on about how many years worth of tax returns Mr. Ryan will be releasing to which he replied "two."  When pressed further still because that's all these people seem to have, Mr. Ryan reminded said "interviewer" that people aren't interested in his tax returns but rather the litany of regulations and taxation that are preventing them from having jobs in the first place thank you very much.

I'm sorry to say, but a portion of the American populace may be focused on such as they've been reminded by pundits from the socialist left that that's all there is, but let's face reality here-on-blog, shall we? The ones that would care about something such as this probably couldn't decipher these two men's tax returns if they tried.  They wouldn't know what their reading.  Has anyone ever seen the tax returns of the wealthy? They're tomes and take an armyof tax accountants and attorneys to complete and do so in accordance with the law.  From multiple properties, corporations, dividends, trusts, gifts, charitable donations and very legal write-offs, the wealthy don't just write down their income on one line, figure out the tax on a Panasonic calculator, sit back, and wait for their return.  While the average American citizen has a checking account, the financially astute have many just to cite an example and forget sleeping soundly at night if anyone - including peeps in the NFL - earn income in not just one state of the union, but many.  

The media and the Obama administration are counting on people who buy into the tax return nonsense not knowing squat because let's call economics education in this country what it is and that's nonexistent.  One woman in a business forum I read asked a question this week concerning the term "revenue."  She didn't know what that meant, and I kid you not.  How on earth does one go into business not knowing a term she's going to be eventually taxed on if she finds herself successful? I'm in no way condemning this woman for asking a very sound question and, in fact, give her JudySnaps for asking in public forum as opposed to remaining ignorant, but that being said, these are the naive souls this administration must rely on -  as an example - in order to get their message of income redistribution across leading those not in-the-know to believe that successful people rob the poor blind when there would be nothing to take in the first place.  That mentality absolutely must be corrected if any of us - regardless of political affiliation - are to feed ourselves and our families including the middle class.  Three cheers for profit.  It's what's for dinner. 

I'm in the mood for the 
New Radicals
Enjoy your day everybody!