libyanewmedia: Military spokesman of the National Army says they've removed more than 4000 mines inBrega in past few days in a 5 KM stretch. #Libya #Brega23 hours ago 8 retweet
Harald Pflueger : Libya : Brega Today [16-08-2011]“Libya : Brega Today [16-08-2011]: Libya : Brega Today [16-08-2011]weiter lesen .. ”
libya--- All Libyans urged to adhere to international human rights and international humanitarian law -- #Libya, #Brega Col Bani assuring that 3rd & 2nd residential areas are completely liberated and v soon industrial state will be free7 hours ago retweet
Libya: BREGA TODAY, 17 August 2011
Libya: Scud missiles at Brega? - Really? ... A closer look! - YouTube
“#Libya : Scud missiles at Brega? Really? A closer look! #Libyen : Skud-Raketen aufBrega? Wirklich? Näher betrachtet ”
Libyan opposition forces broke out of #Misrata and pushed south toward a strategic highway linking up to #Tripoli #Libya“Brega: Opposition forces said18 killed and 33 wounded on Tuesday & Wednesday in fighting against #Gaddafi forces #Libya ”
Libya gov't forces in full control of key oil towns: TRIPOLI, Aug. 16 (Xinhua) -- Brega and Zawiyah, #Libya's two...
Libya: UPDATE, BREGA TODAY, 17 August 2011 - YouTube
“ NATO mercenaries,. Brega directn 15-8-2011 , BREGA 17 August 2011 ”
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