Monday, April 23, 2012

Some Good News from #Afghanistan, new partnership agreement, the United States has a chance

Brian Wolfe

10:10 PM (edited)  -    -  Public
This sounds like good news. The USA gets a military base of operations that it has wanted in the area indefinitely(?) and Afghanistan get's the financial and military hardware support to fight off the Taliban what? types.

Some Good News from Afghanistan- By Zalmay Khalilzad »
With a new partnership agreement, the United States has a chance to wind down its mission with its interests intact.


Clif Sipe10:33 PM
I always thought it would have been far easier to bribe the Afghans into doing what we wanted, rather than invading them. Starting some good companies there to provide jobs would have been one way to legitimately bribe the people.

Brian Wolfe10:39 PM
There is a group of anti-war types that are attempting to cast this as a "permanent war in afghanistan", which it isn't. Major troop reduction. Terrorist hunting only (instead of the daily policing and general patrols).
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