Wednesday, August 15, 2012

RT @stevesilberman: Straight from @KarlRove's playbook: New video aims to discredit Obama's killing of bin Laden. #GOP

RT : Straight from 's playbook: New video aims to discredit Obama's killing of bin Laden.  

Swiftboating 2012

New group of ex-military and security ops--allegedly "non-partisan" but actually made up mainly of GOPers and Tea Partiers--has launched fresh attack and site vs. Obama claiming he leaked info on Osama bin Laden raid for political gain.  Of course, this brings these folks into the race for political gain. "Chad Kolton, who was spokesman for the director of national intelligence in the Bush administration and now represents the Opsec group, said that because the it was classified as a 501(c)(4) educational group under the tax laws, it was not required to identify its donors. He said the group had raised nearly $1 million since June and intended to run television and Internet ads, as well as host showings of 'Dishonorable Disclosures' in swing states."  Here's that 22-minute just released today: