Saturday, December 22, 2012

Video #Egypt Salafi leader Al-Birhami goes on record explaining the "pro-Sharia" loopholes introduced into the constitution

1hTiny Klout Flag56COPTIC NATIONALISM ‏@DioscorusBoles
It is widespread irregularity allover the place at the polling stations - sure sign of the Islamists' panic. 
1hTiny Klout Flag97The Independent ‏@Independent
Egypt votes in final phase of referendum on Islamist-backed constitution 
1hTiny Klout Flag71Bel Trew - بل ترو ‏@Beltrew
's smallest village Garet Om El-Sagheer in Matrouh were bussed2 nearest polling station 150km away says MENA.Only 98 eligible to vote
1hTiny Klout Flag71Andrew Exum ‏@abumuqawama
“They aren’t even doing anything very Islamic. They are just doing things that aren’t very competent.”  
1hTiny Klout Flag79BBC Africa ‏@BBCAfrica
Q&A: Egypt constitutional crisis 
1hTiny Klout Flag69نشرة القاهرة‎ ‏@cairowire
so is this how elections are going to be in  from now on, with the regime ignoring blatant violations and using religion as blackmail?
1hTiny Klout Flag88Huffington Post ‏@HuffingtonPost
Egyptians vote on divisive constitution 
1hTiny Klout Flag49Yemen Forum ‏@Yemen_Forum
Yemeni youth - apply to our Youth & Civil Society Workshop inEgypt! Email / for the app.