Monday, March 21, 2016

Trump:" I WANT TO MOVE THE CAPITAL FROM TEL-AVIV TO JERUSALEM!" the eternal capital of the Jewish people

  1. Trump: I would move US embassy to Jerusalem
  2.  In reply to 
    Trump will deliver, Embassy in Jerusalem. He can get it done. TRUMP 2016
  3. - Trump: I would move US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem
  4. Watched the trump speech, the flip flop and the plagiarism is real, using Ted Cruz's talking points on Iran and moving embassy to Jerusalem
  5. Trump just used most of Cruz's talking points on Israel. He blatantly copied moving embassy to Jerusalem!
  6. Last week Trump said he wasn't sure whether he'd move the embassy to Jerusalem. Today, he said he would. That's called being a politician.
  7. Policy Conference Donald J. Trump said he will move the American Embassy to Jerusalem! Israel will be Forever a Jewish State!
  8. Trump reconnaîtrait Jérusalem capitale d'Israël: S'il est élu président des Etats-Unis, le milliardair...
  9. Blah blah move embassy to . Someone has to be reckless and stupid enough to say it. So, abd#AIPAC deserve each other
  10. For 1st time Trump sounded like a Pres. while promising to move US Embassy to Jerusalem. Rousing cheers from crowd.
  11. Trump 1st refuses 2 recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel Now,in a room full of Jews, Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.
  12. Nothing original from Trump on Israel. He just copied Cruz on Jerusalem and the embassy! HELLO call him out!!
  13. Great speech by ! When Trump becomes President, US Embassy will be moved to the Eternal City of Jerusalem! Amen
  14.  In reply to 
    TRUMP knocks it out of the park! Hilary is a disaster and will move the embassy to Jerusalem. Only TRUMP CAN!
  15. UNREAL DONALD TRUMP SPEECH ON ISRAEL AT AIPAC!!!!! "We will move the American Embassy to the eternal capital of , ."