Friday, April 29, 2016

CNN reports ..Apr 29, 2016 Trump crosses the 1000 delegates marker..

  1. CNN reports ..Apr 29, 2016 Trump crosses the 1000 delegates marker..
  2. THIS JUST IN: PASSES 1,000 DELEGATES! (PA unbound)
  3. Many of my followers are saying "Trump doesn't need to win Indiana". The FACT is we DO need to WIN. You get +30 delegates just for winning.
  4. Listening, not imitation, may be the sincerest form of flattery. - Dr. Joyce Brothers
  5. Easy to understand if they are PAID protesters

  6. Soros plays both sides of the Coin. Something tells me Trump will run him out.
  7. Yup! Who's the real threat here? Not Trump or Trump supporters! Just some more hypocritical liberals
  8. MONDAY CAST YOUR VOTE finally admitted it on live TV... I'm the one DC insider who supports Trump
  9. : & : Like two idiots who bonk heads ALREADY FRAYING barely 12 hours old