Saturday, May 28, 2016

#Britain is at war in Libya and nobody thought to tell us, #Hillary helped usher the apocalypse on #Iraq #Libya #Syria #Clinton

  1. Hillary's Right Not a "Single" Person Lost in - 4 Died 4 Her Mistake
  2. "US created international order" presumably includes Iraq, Libya, Honduras, Syria, Yemen, Haiti, etc
  3. Trump suggests U.S. should bomb Libya
  4. Britain is at war in Libya and nobody thought to tell us
  5. Someone breaking it to him that Hillary already helped usher the apocalypse on Iraq, Libya, Syria
  6. SAS destroy ISIS truck rigged with explosives, 1st time Troops fought ISIS in
  7. not re-electing someone who repeatedly lied us into war.
  8. In Libya, ISIS finds an opening into Europe
  9. FEAR of being the next Saddam Gaddafi turned over Libya's Chem➕Nuclear WMD THAT is why ISIS doesnt have them TODAY