Friday, April 29, 2011

April 28, 2011, 11:20 local time: live call to Yefren Media center in Jadu, Nafusa Mountains,

Live call from Nafusa Mountains, April 28

April 28, 2011, 11:20 local timelive call to Yefren Media center in Jadu, Nafusa Mountains, recorded live on Libya Alhurra.

  • Yefren hospital: situation remains unknown, in control of Gaddafi forces, very little news in past several days.
  • Zintan: fights east of the city. Gaddafi forces shelled the city with Grad missiles, tried to get closer but were pushed back.
  • Jadu: remains firmly in control of freedom fighters
  • Wazim, Tunisian border: Gaddafi forces tried to control the border, a strong battle ensued, freedom fighters received support from the other cities (Nalut area). Now the border is back in control of the freedom fighters and is being secured to allow medical aid inside Libya, as well as fuel.
  • NATO planes: this morning, flew over Jadu area. Reports that NATO struck the East of Zintan, and suburbs of Zintan (ammunition storage), as well as North area of Nafusa mountains.
  • Kalaa: historical area of Kalaa bombed: ancient monuments, cemetaries, mosques, going back to Libyan kingdom, all damaged by Gaddafi forces. Urgent call to Unesco and other NGO’s to raise awareness of the destruction occuring in Nafusa mountains, as well as elsewhere in Libya.