Friday, April 29, 2011

Five missiles landed in the area north of Zintan, 5 infantry fighting vehicles, Zintan: 1 ammunition storage facility. #

Zintan: 6 air strikes on Gaddafi soldiers around the city this morning by NATO and jets still flying above
Nato Target 28 April  5 infantry fighting vehicles, Zintan: 1 ammunition storage facility. : 1 command and control building.
 28 April: Zintan: 1 ammunition storage facility. Brega: 1 command and control building.| 142 Sorties , 67 Strike sorties conducted
 City Press Online 
Nato strikes ‘hit Gaddafi forces near Zintan’ 

Algiers – Nato air strikes today hit forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi which had been attacking the rebel held town of Zintan, a rebel spokesperson told Reuters. “Nato this morning attacked Gaddafi’s forces positioned north of Zintan, from where they have been surrounding the town. Five missiles landed in the area,” the spokesperson, called Abdulrahman, said by telephone from the town. “Gaddafi’s forces did not bombard Zintan today after the air strikes,” he said.
- Reuters
 hend mohammed 
 KeyTargets 28Apr : 1 ammunition storage facility.:1 command & control building.
Zintan: 6 air strikes on Gaddafi soldiers around the city this morning by NATO and jets still flying above
NATO KADDAFİ BİRLİKLERİNİ BOMBALADI: CEZAYİR (A.A) - NATO, Libya'da muhaliflerin elindeki Zintan kentine saldır...
 Sanal Gazete 
CEZAYİR - NATO, Libya'da muhaliflerin elindeki Zintan kentine saldıran Libya lideri Kaddafi'ye bağlı birliklere hava saldırısı düzenledi.
NATO KADDAFİ BİRLİKLERİNİ BOMBALADI: CEZAYİR (A.A) - NATO, Libya'da muhaliflerin elindeki Zintan kentine saldıra...
 Situation Reports 
NATO strikes hit Gaddafi forces near Zintan:rebel
 Manuel Gonzalez ♍ 
NATO strikes hit Gaddafi forces near Zintan: rebel