RT @PeterClifford1 #Libya. Foreign journalists taken on 3 day #Gaddafi "magical, mystery tour" ...http://www.gaddaf.com/0QpDVX
The Opposition forces are just 84 kilometres from Tripoli, close enough now for fighters to get a mobile phone signal and speak to their families still in Tripoli.Although planned timetables can go horribly wrong, Opposition commanders believe that it will be a month to six weeks before Gaddafi’s forces start to collapse completely and that they can move on Tripoli at the end of August. This will mean that they will have to keep fighting through the 28 days of fasting for Ramadan which begins at the end of July. Refugees from Tripoli who arrived in Benghazi last week via a Red Cross chartered ship, have been describing life in Tripoli under the Gaddafi regime for those who don’t support him. Abdulbaset Ouf, a chemical engineer, who managed to get on the ship with his wife and 3 children, said, “The atmosphere in Tripoli is one of fear and paranoia”.
luchadora41 Kristy Lonestar
@JeffFlake @RonPaul Dear Sirs: We the People believe there aresufficient grounds to impeach Obama. Libya; Ikhwan. @tweetcongress #teaparty
muslimstoday Islam Daily
Shifting Targets: U.S. Shock Doctrine: Reshaping Libya (Part Two)http://goo.gl/fb/epaBX
AldIlyas Daiki Kaito DIEND
Buset panas bgt tuh RT @DuniaTahu: Suhu udara tertinggi yangpernah dicatat di dunia adalah 58°C di El Azizia, Libya, pada 13September 1922
TheyCallMeSof Sofyan Amry
ProtestWatch Protestwatch.org.uk
#Protest End of the tether for Qaddafi: The initial success of theprotestors in neighbouring Tunisia gav... http://bit.ly/nSZ8c9 #Libya
villanggreini Theresia Villa Utama
RT @DuniaTahu: Suhu udara tertinggi yang pernah dicatat di duniaadalah 58?C di El Azizia, Libya, pada 13 September 1922.