FreeBenghazi Libya.elHurra
AbdelFatahYounis: I am a soldier loyal to #Libya'n people'srevolution & against Gaddafi. Rumours of my arrest are false…

Twitter Fritters - Telegram from General Younis, regarding his “arrest” via @al_omari #Libya
via Hussein Al-Omari :
Major General Abdul Fateh mocked Younes, Head of the General Staff of the Army of the liberation of Libya’s anti-organized Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, of false news and rumors, which claimed his arrest earlier in the day.
Yunus said in a telephone conversation with the site (Revolution of Libya) from his place on the Eastern Front that the usual system is trying to Gaddafi, to mislead public opinion, the Libyan and the international community by raising false news and false, stressing that it is still in position in the service of the Libyan people and the revolution glorious to overthrow Gaddafi.
Younis added: “They are trying to falsify the truth and shuffling papers, but the Libyan people the Great Do not be fooled by such nonsense, which aimed to interfere with our work in the leadership of the rebels and the army down to the expected victory, God willing.
Several sites, electronic newspapers had picked up, unfortunately, in the earlier news is correct that it was AD at dawn today at four in the morning the arrest of Major General Abdul-Fattah Younis, commander of rebel forces, in the region, “Brega”. For link in Arabic:
AJE said the reports of #Younis being arrested are UNCONFIRMED. He gave an interview today dismissing the #Libya
Expecting a news conference on Gen Younis house arrest @alihashem_AJA via @aje news report flash #Libya
#Benghazi Media Center:Awaiting press conference with either #Younis or @NTC_of_Libya to confirm or refute rumor of #Younis' arrest. #Libya
FLASH Just broken News ON GENERAL YOUNIS House arrest Take your PICK of my last 3 tweets #Libya #BenghaziConfusion @NTC HELP CLARIFY PLS
Tweeps lets not allow Younis arrest or no arrest to overshadow the victory we are savoring in Nafusa #Libya
@changeinlibya #Younis rumour appeared to be false. Maybe a G trick... Go FF! Kick that G butt out of Libya…
Libya,Gen A Younis has been questioned n NTC,huge supporting crowed of FF & civilian to Gen A Younis details will tweet later of main reason
“@alihashem_AJA: Ok now some people on Twitter are saying Gen. Younes is not arrested, and a site interviewed #libya