Sunday, July 17, 2011

Tarpley in Press TV Debate with Libyan Rebel Supporter, Neocon Pipes, Prof. Hilal Khashan of Beirut: Real Revolutions or CIA Putsch Campaign in the Middle East? Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D.

  Listen to this expl @ 4'00 W Tarpley well known & talks much more thn 
10 hours ago via web
(This April 6th interview just recently became available. — webmaster.)
Tarpley in Press TV Debate with Libyan Rebel Supporter, Neocon Pipes, Prof. Hilal Khashan of Beirut: Real Revolutions or CIA Putsch Campaign in the Middle East?

Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D.
April 15, 2011

  • Webster is such a beast. Notice how he backs up his arguments with things like dates, proper names, facts, historical analogies, fine details of past happenings... everybody else is like ' I believe this, I believe that, I think this, I think that..' The peanut gallery - (28:36-29:03). Dyke bitch in blue hatin - (28:59). You know why Webster is so cool and crisp, doesn't seem to care about the arguments of the others. They just bounce off him? It's because he understands the ENDGAME. Info-win.
  • Tarpley rules.
see all

All Comments (67)

    • oh man, those "panels of audience" have such horrendous postures
    • Arab intellectuals are a bunch of idiots, and the audience were a pathetic ignorant fools. I would like to face palm that ignorant piece of garbage @ 11:30, she actually thinks she knows better than Tarpley. haha,
      The world is full of ignorant stupid people,
      Tarpley knows his facts, he doesnt live in the matrix make believe world of these imbecile 'intellectual's' of the Arab world.
    • @kisamakara Response to your first post ... this is a problem with younger "progressive" people in general. Know it all, unaware of the cyclical nature of events. I hope their older relatives are not similarly fooled. Those students probably buy the mantra of modern life and change all the feel good tripe, probably watch Friends and hang out at Starbucks. Haven't they atleast come across John Pilger? I can excuse this a bit more in an American but it's downright disgusting that Arabs cannot know
    • @kisamakara That's true. I just thought that decades of experience would have told them that they've seen this before and even this last decade...
    • @ColtraneTaylor people, regardless of them being arab, chinese, american etc will fall for their emotions and these power elites know how to abuse this. so they use the nationalism card (arabic nationalism) like guy from london, phili were doing by saying arabs know best and they can do it - these are mere soundbites to hide the real agenda and make it appear they are on the arab side. its also hard for arabs to accept this after honestly believing and many dying for what happened in revoultions
    • @ColtraneTaylor tarpley brings some home truths for arabic people. i have had many arab friends from university over the years and all of them instantly decline/put down the possibility of foreign intervention/ design in these revolutions and believe it is real and the people fought to take control. in my opinion the reason for this is they are passionate and are hopiong for change but get caught unaware like all other human populations when the new guy is another version of previous dictator.
    • I'm dissapointed to see that ARABS don't understand what the west is doing in their lands. I'm sorry but how can they be THAT STUPID? That dyke bitch in blue green looks like her American hope and change counter parts. Too fake and aggressive to see the difference between truth and propaganda.