The ZLITEN video, some one should show this to Mussa Ibrahim. Rixos journos can do that, maybe:… #feb17 #Libya
.@FreeBenghazi Not true, no one is allowed to address people W/O Gaddafi's permission, not even his sons.
Unconfirmed: Some say NATO bombed the security building of the prison with low explosive smart rockets. Some prisoners helped inmates escape
.@FromJoanne @NATO Not sure bout Senussi's death. The bombed house was empty.
.@justtmeee No of course he does not believe a word he says. This is just 4 the gullible local journos who still think Daffy is invincible.
Breaking: Adussalam Jalloud 2nd man in Libya until 1993 when Gadhafi pushed him out of power has today escaped tripoli with family to Zintan
#FLASH NEWS and A Written interview by @2011feb17 from INSIDE #Tripoli by @JulienPain for #France24 #Libya
I have no idea what is going on in Tripoli which is eerily calm today, but I feeeel gooood! (read my last 2 words with James Brown in mind).
@FromJoanne Any news from Nilesat? I think we should ask them to keep the channels and forget the lawsuit. We need them on air soon anyway.
Many slogan site have changed hands several times, different colors and different pro and anti-slogans painted over eachother. LOL