2011feb17 Tweeting Tripoli
.@bjoernen_dk they are slow going red dots in lines of 10 or 15 shots. I have no military experience so I have no idea what are those!!??
2011feb17 Tweeting Tripoli
The Graffiti war of Tripoli (picture taken 30 mins ago from 11th June Road): img217.imageshack.us/img217/6123/gr… #feb17 #Libya
2011feb17 Tweeting Tripoli
.@DisplacedLibyan But we need to see his body. If Gaddafi say he is dead, then he probably isn't.
FromJoanne Joanne
#FLASH Written interview by @2011feb17 from INSIDE #TRIPOLIgoo.gl/KaniN by @JulienPain for #France24 #Libya
FromJoanne Joanne
It is I will tell you the source in a mo @ChangeInLibya @dovenews#CONFIRMED #TUNISIA REFUSES TO ALLOW GADDAFI TO CROSS THEIR BORDER #Libya
sagrevleyos Sergio Lopez Santana
@EndTyranny101 If G make it alive out, it will be a nightmare 4 newborn Libya. He will try to comeback at any cost. Hope doesn't make it..
sagrevleyos Sergio Lopez Santana
@2011feb17 I just read your interview. Very clear and structured. Keep up your reporting and stay safe. God bless you.