@MahmoudSarraj1Mahmoud Sarraj
Retweeted by perfectsliders
EmanAbdulhadi Eman Abdulhadi
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
Radio report on @AlassemaMedia indicates that FFs are attacking#Tripoli airport. #Libya #Feb17
perfectsliders perfectsliders
#Libya #Feb17: Not to rain on anyone's parade but #Tripolithuwar says all quiet. They don't control airportegyptday1.blogspot.com/2011/08/not-to…
EclipseMaps Eclipse-Maps.com
Total eclipse underway! It's zero hour in #tripoli #libya, freedom fighters have launched operation #DawnOfTheBride. Fantastic, epic bravery
KC_Tripolitania Nusaybah Khalil
#TRIPOLI: Revolutionaries attacked the The TV building in #Alshat Rd via @moooonlight22 #Feb17 #Libya #TripoliCalling #DawnOfTheBride
mabujaber Moayad Abu Jaber
قربت RT @yelkhoudary: "@ShababLibya: تحرير طرابلس انشأ ألله. #Tripoli #Libya". YA RAB!!!
moooonlight22 Libya Free Forever.