Yefren hospital, Libya, is overwhelmed with wounded FF and civilians trapped by fierce fighting. - YouTube
“Any DOCTORS or NURSES who would like to VOLUNTEER & go to #LIBYA ( #Zawyah and the Western Mountains) PLZ CONTACT ME http://t.co/0Fl49zv ”
jomanacnn: 3rd large explosion in half hour shortly before 4am. rattled the windows of the hotel. #Tripoli #Libya #NATO46 minutes ago retweet
Please Sign and *RT* this PETITION - Give #Tripoli Prisoners a Voice : ---- #Libya #Feb17 #TripoliPrisoners
change.org/petitions/amnesty-international-please...soners-rights-in-tripoli-one-signature-one-voice“Advocate for prisoners rights in #Tripoli. One signature = One Voice. Please sign petition & share! http://t.co/gTVQdbE #libya #feb17RT! ”
foxnews.com/world/2011/08/18/report-qaddafi-preparing-to-flee-libya/shabablibya: Lots of rumours circulating that Gaddafi has left/leaving Libya, one fact remains, Libya will be free very soon god willing. #Libya30 minutes ago retweet
bentbenghazi: #MyName is #Libya, my ppl began peacefully protesting a brutal dictator that in return began murdering,torturing, & raping them 4 it #feb1739 minutes ago retweet