@mchancecnn How are the other reporters? You are the only one tweeting! #ProtectReporters #Tripoli #Libya #Pr… (cont)deck.ly/~0WeKz
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Govt source tells CNN he did not want to give figure earlier because it made it look like the govt was losing control. #Tripoliupdate #CNN
Sunday, August 21, 2011 - 17:24 - Libya
Heavy gunfire rang out near the Tripoli hotel where members of the foreign media are staying, says Reuters correspondent, The reporter said it sounded like a burst of automatic gunfire. As the front line moves closer to the Libyan capital, field hospitals are short of resources and the government blames the West for the casualties. A spokesman for the Muammar Gaddafi’s government blamed the West for the casualties saying they don't care about the human costs of the six month war. - Reuters