@LibyaFactCheckLibya Fact Check
@Anan_Abubaker The #NTC could dispel any doubts about their capture of Seif with a single photograph, but they can't. #Tripoli#Libya
LibyaFactCheck Libya Fact Check
@Anan_Abubaker Is the video from yesterday? Denial is in Egypt, not Libya. Seif Gaddafi was seen by many people TODAY in #Tripoli #Libya
LibyaFactCheck Libya Fact Check
LibyaFactCheck Libya Fact Check
@Anan_Abubaker The #NTC could dispel any doubts about their capture of Seif with a single photograph, but they can't. #Tripoli #Libya
mchancecnn Matthew Chance
LibyaFactCheck Libya Fact Check
LibyaFactCheck Libya Fact Check
LibyaFactCheck Libya Fact Check
LibyaFactCheck Libya Fact Check
@RafeeqHussein The Saif Gaddafi video tonight clearly showed many people supporting Gaddafi. Where in #Tripoli were they? #Libya
LibyaFactCheck Libya Fact Check
@EndTyranny101 Its possible that the "Saif Gaddafi is captured" story was PsyOps to convince G forces to surrender around #Libya #Tripoli.
LibyaFactCheck Libya Fact Check
@Gaddafestrophe There may be resistance in Bab Al Azizyah because that is where Gaddafi senior officials are right now. #Tripoli #Libya
LibyaFactCheck Libya Fact Check
@SIRSconsultancy The chances of an airplane shooting down a SCUD in flight are not great. If the SCUD were just taking off, maybe #Libya
LibyaFactCheck Libya Fact Check
@LibyaAlHurraTV blogs.aljazeera.net/liveblog/Libya… "A NATO warplane shot down a SCUD missile" Not very likely, almost physically impossible #Libya #Sirte
LibyaFactCheck Libya Fact Check
@ShababLibya Khamis and Senussi are dead again? What, is this the 3rd or 4th time they have been dead? #Tripoli #Libya