Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Aug3 - Videos, Maps, Top Stories from today in Zliten

markito0171#Libya #Zliten GF dont like urban combat, they are waiting at Wadi Kaam between Zliten &#Al Khums2 days ago 6 
fromjoanne#ZLITEN this evening FReedom Fighters are steadfast and holding their positions on outskirts of #Zliten #Libya #Misrata23 hours ago 8 
hominoid555Libya Zliten Soon FFs will circle the town centre and push out of the western side and take the gate, leaving a pocket of G troops24 hours ago 
dessiegrant#Libya #Feb17 Zliten has no GF in it. FF in city centre. All very quiet. No street fighting . Town taken with little resistance .2 days ago 5