@bint_tarhounaFree Libya
My dad says that the FFs aorund Tripoli are doing their best to advance as fast as they can to Tripoli to help, inshallah soon.
Retweeted by ChangeInLibya and 12 others
perfectsliders perfectsliders
#Libya #Feb17: #Tripoli UNCONFIRMED FF from #Misrata have successfully completed a sea landing in Tripoli..5 boats of FFegyptday1.blogspot.com/2011/08/tripol…
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
perfectsliders perfectsliders
#Libya #Feb17 #Tripoli: UNCONFIRMED: FF from #Misrata have successfully completed a sea landing in Tripoli..5…goo.gl/fb/vmLSB
dessiegrant Des Grant
bjoernen_dk holst jespersen, b.
@RRowleyTucson it seems @NATO is waiting for FF to be ready to fill the holes they make. #Tripoli #Libya
sunnysingh_sw6 Sunny Singh
Am having flashbacks to initial Misurata assault. FF seem to lack coordination. Thoughts? #tripoli #MermaidDawn #libya
jocarva João Cunha
RT @EndTyranny101: UNCONFIRMED: FF from Misrata have successfully completed a sea landing in Tripoli..5 boats of FFlanded #Libya #Feb17
Amin_Siala Amin Siala
Vdonna Vdonna
MT @LibyaAlhurra17: FORMER Libyan Government Calls for Cease-Fire as FF Advance Toward #Tripoli - goo.gl/U3JrD - #Libya