Libya rebels launch push towards Zawiyah - YouTube
“FF's have captured #BirGhanam in Western #Libya, ahead of a push towards #Zawiya a coastal cityhttp://youtu.be/yuhOP8v2kc4 #Feb17 #ALJE Vid ”
freebenghazi: #AJE ZeinaKhodr in BirGhanam.Thuwar have taken own in few hours after offensive early this morning, heavy exchange w rockets #Libya4 hours ago 3 retweet
Rebels in western Libyan town claim victory over Gadhafi forces - CNN.com
edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/africa/08/06/libya.war/“#cnn - Rebels in western Libyan town claim victory over Gaddafi forces http://t.co/B6o4q9D #Libya #Feb17 #BirGhanam#Nafusa #AzZawiya ”
mushuthalohari: Ya #Zawiya, ya #Zawiya! Soon you'll be free again, insha Allah! #Libya #Feb17 #BirGhanam#Gaddaficrimes2 hours ago 2 retweet
Libyan rebels push towards Az Zawiyah | Brian Brown's Official Website
brianbrown.net/libyan-rebels-push-towards-az-zawiyah/libya_horra: FFs now control #BirGhanam, gr8 news, watch the @AJEnglish report here http://t.co/wu2Ayjg #Libya3 hours ago 5 retweet
libyans_revolt: #Libya #Feb17 #FF #BirGhanam liberated #ramadankarem Viva #Libya Viva #FF #Prayforlibya3 hours ago retweet
abdulhelal: Correction: #Zawya and #Tripoli #FFs r also participating in today's #birghanam battle along with #Zintan#libya #Nafusa #Qaddafi #feb17 #FF7 hours ago 5 retweet
libya_horra: FFs have almost taken #BirGhanam, would open up the road to #Zawiya.. #Libya #Feb17#GaddafiLosses3 hours ago 5 retweet
abdulhelal: #rebels control #birghanam now & part of #wadi #alhai till the #Zawya exit We really salute #Zawiafighters who were the spearheads #libya2 hours ago 7 retweet
shabablibya: RT @zeinakhodrAljaz Libyan FFs launch offensive in bir ghannam in western mountains #Libya #Nafusa7 hours ago 6 retweet
A Night at the Gravel Pit | The Weekly Standard
weeklystandard.com/blogs/night-gravel-pit_582027.html“The Weekly Standard: A Night at the Gravel Pit http://t.co/h9NiBmM #Libya #Nafusa #Rebels #NATO #War Very descriptive expository piece. ”
Video: Mass killing of civilians by Gaddafi forces in Qalaa *Graphic/Shocking* |
feb17.info/media/video-mass-killing-of-civilians-...ddafi-forces-in-qalaa-via-4adam-graphicshocking/“Video: Mass killing of civilians by Gaddafi forces in Qalaa *Graphic/Shocking* http://goo.gl/BEZoK #Libya #Nafusa #Gaddafi ”
abdulhelal: Correction: #Zawya and #Tripoli #FFs r also participating in today's #birghanam battle along with #Zintan#libya #Nafusa #Qaddafi #feb17 #FF7 hours ago 5 retweet
#Libya #Feb17: Video - Libya Nafusa short on food @Tunisia_Live are able to provide food, housing, transport and English speaking fixers in #zintan & #nafusa #libya ask @CNN @AJEnglish@spiegel_live
egyptday1.blogspot.com/2011/08/video-libya-nafusa-short-on-food.html“#Libya #Feb17 Video - Libya Nafusa short on food @Tunisia_Live are able to provide food, housing, transport and…http://goo.gl/fb/p3DvQ ”
In western Libya hopes for quick Tripoli advance fade | Energy & Oil | Reuters
af.reuters.com/article/energyOilNews/idAFLDE77413V20110805“@Reuters: Nafusa rebels "Gaddafi's forces are so organised. Its hard to predict their movements" #Libya #Nafusa #Nalut |http://t.co/viSiiHB ”
ajelive: AJELive: Qusbat under siege, rebel cash transfers to Nafusa mountains & anti-Gaddafi forces moving toward#Libya... http://bit.ly/qpfnhe3 hours ago 15 retweet

أعدام جماعى فى صفيت القلعة - YouTube
“Video uploaded today reportedly shows large number of Revolutionaries executed in Al #Qalaahttp://t.co/OR4MRQp #Nafusa #Libya #Feb17 ” diceylee808 19 hours ago 29 more share video