LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
Col. Ahmed Bani: "#Zlitan is now completely liberated after a severe fight & for the first time I can say we have control over it." #Libya
NadiaMaddox Nadia
Tune in to @AJArabic to follow updates and news of #Tripoli's liberation operation. #Libya #MermaidDawn
NadiaMaddox Nadia
Inside Tripoli: 'We are being held at The Leader's pleasure. But for how long?'… via @Telegraph @matthewwprice
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
AP:Jalil told Libyans to safeguard their belongings and buildings in#Tripoli in anticipation of possible battles as the rebels move closer.
ShahrazadKablan Shahrazad Kablan
الحركة الوطنية لتحرير طرابلس: سيطرة الثوار على منطقة سوق الجمعة من مستودع الغاز الى 15 الطير
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
NadiaMaddox Nadia
Caller on AJA says that FF are in control of Islamic Museum in #Tripoli #Libya #TripoliRising #pray4TRIPOLI v. @bintlibya
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
Inside #Tripoli: 'We are being held at The Leader's pleasure.But for how long?' @Telegraph… #Libya #Feb17 #ZeroHour
littlelisa8 Lisa
“@LibyanLion17: CONFIRMED - G forces are using AA guns and heavy weaponry in North + East #Tripoli. Lots of gunfire. #Libya #Feb17”RT
NadiaMaddox Nadia
#libya-- whatever we face , however great is the fear, remind ur self that God is Greater -- #AllahuAkbir v. @HafedAlGhwell
NadiaMaddox Nadia
AJA: a call from tripoli with an activist: some injuries in Ben Ashour, Fashloom, other areas. #Libya
NadiaMaddox Nadia
Reuters: Eyewitness reports blasts and sustained gunfire in Tripoli this evening @Reuters
NadiaMaddox Nadia
Al Jazeera is reporting the mission to liberate #Tripoli has began. #GaddafiEnd #TripoliRising #MermaidDawn #Libya