@mwilkinson3Michael Wilkinson
Just crossed into Delaware. Sign said, "Hurricane Warning in Effect. Welcome to Delaware." Uh, yeah. #Hurricane #Irene
elcotimes Delco Times
Be sure to share your #Hurricane #Irene photos and stories with @delcotimes on #facebook: on.fb.me/oCn0Gz
jontuleya R. Jonathan Tuleya
Be sure to share your #Hurricane #Irene photos and stories with @delcotimes on #facebook: on.fb.me/oCn0Gz
mwilkinson3 Michael Wilkinson
Sorry... Autocorrect Just crossed into Delaware. Sign said, "Hurricane Warning in Effect. Welcome to Delaware." Uh, yeah. #Hurricane #Irene
mwilkinson3 Michael Wilkinson
Just crossed into Delaware. Sign said, "Hurricane Warning inEffect. Welch to Delaware." Uh, yeah. #Hurricane #Irene
marycsaville Mary Saville
Sussex #Delaware #Hurricane #Irene ACOE map of DE possibleflooded areas in a hurricane. No streets but RR's/streams.pic.twitter.com/PoLyumF
LightSquared LightSquared
Our Emergency Rapid Response Team has deployed toDelaware to support #Hurricane #Irene emergency mgmtagencies with satellite comms
TonyGunstone Tony Gunstone
Praying for #NorthCarolina #Virginia #Maryland #Delaware #NewJersey #NewYork #NYC #NewEngland. STAY SAFE! #hurricane #irene
Rugman43 Don MacAulay
JimCoarse Jim Coarse
@delawarepark Please Re-Tweet! Earthquake Tees!dcearthquaketees.com #earthquake #quake #tee-shirt #hurricane #irene #delaware
mattinblackUK Malcolm Grandis
jfpschorr Jamie Pschorr
leon_fan Leon P Dailey
#Hurricane #Irene coming my way in Newark #Delaware.Sounds4 real. A Once in 100 year event? If nothing else, it will bememorable