Libya after Gaddafi: the grand design for a post-Gaddafi country - #libya #feb17 -libyafeb17.com/2011/08/libya-…نحن لم نستخدم القوة بعد
The document reveals that rebel forces have little faith in their ability to topple Colonel Gaddafi, but expect the regime to crumble from within.
Despite their public rhetoric, the top secret document reveals that rebel planners conclude that a successful advance on Tripoli is unlikely, as is the death of Colonel Gaddafi in a Nato bombing raid. Instead they think that he is most likely to be ousted by a popular uprising or coup.
The plans are highly reliant on the defection of parts of the existing Gaddafi security apparatus to the rebels after his overthrow. This is likely to prove not only risky but controversial, with many rebel fighters determined to sweep away all vestiges of the old regime. The document includes:
• proposals for a 10,000-15,000 strong “Tripoli task force” of guards, resourced and supported by the United Arab Emirates, to take over the Libyan capital, secure key sites and arrest high-level Gaddafi supporters;
• claims that 800 serving Gaddafi government security officials have already been recruited covertly to the rebel cause inside Tripoli, are being vetted and are ready to form the “backbone” of a new security apparatus;
• planning for approximately 5,000 policemen, now serving in units not ideologically committed to the Gaddafi regime, to be transferred immediately to the new interim government’s forces to prevent a security vacuum.