Thursday, August 18, 2011

East of #Tripoli has been kicking off. #Gmata, #AlKhums, #Tarhouna and now #Zliten. FF active in all. Pray for them.

libyanlion17East of #Tripoli has been kicking off. #Gmata#AlKhums#Tarhouna and now #Zliten. FF active in all. Pray for them. #Libya #Feb1726 minutes ago 9 
libyanproud#Zliten : Freedom Fighters have #deGaddafinated the district of #Albaz in the center of zliten#Feb17#Libya43 minutes ago 5 
rrowleytucson#Freedomfighters have liberated the area of #Baza in #Zliten #Libya#Feb1711 minutes ago 2 
libyanlion17#Zliten Media Committee - FF in the city have taken control of the 'alBaz' district. #Libya #Feb1719 minutes ago 3 
libyanlion17AlBaza is around here in #Zliten - 2°28'44"N 14°33'36"E. That district is under FF control. #Libya #Feb1714 minutes ago 
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