RAW, LIbya, Nato Air Strike on the town of Zliten 14.08.2011 - YouTube
freedomgrouptv: 5 #FF were martyred and #5 injured in battle to liberate #Zliten today. Fighting was centred in AlBaza, central Zliten. #Libya4 minutes ago retweet
Zliten #FF are making real solid progress in extending their control over the city - most of the districts on (cont)
twitlonger.com/show/cg1mm4“#Zliten #FF are making real solid progress in extending their control over the city - most of the districts on (cont) http://t.co/NPiqigh ”
libyandictator: #Zliten/West #Misrata fronts witnessing heavy clashes with Gaddafi forces. Reports that f fighters withinZliten controlling parts of city.30 minutes ago 3 retweet
zlitniya: Gald to hear that FF from all over #Zliten came to AlBaza to help its inhabitants fight #Gaddafi militia #OneLibya#UnitedLibya35 minutes ago retweet