SecularLibya MargBar Khamenei
SecularLibya MargBar Khamenei
#FF> @SecularLibya Tweets extensive "HEINZ" observations He Predicts #ZLITAN Front will break this Eve FF r surrounding GF in W Zlit #Libya
Heinz: Apaches and Tigers are comparable machines. But French Tiger pilots are more daring, work closer to ground w/ more results. #Libya
"@SecularLibya: Heinz: FF in west have formed first operational tank brigade. FFs now have more tanks than Qadafi. #Libya #Feb17"
“@SecularLibya: Heinz: Daffis in the #Zlitan front are on the retreat. The front is in the process of breaking down. #Libya #Feb17”
BREAKING-Heinz (7 hrs ago): French Tiger helis are more daring & aggressive than Apaches and have arrived at Zawiya hitting launchers #Libya
Heinz: Russian diplomats & Russian red cross workers ??? They are probably Russian and Belarus officers working for Qadafi military. #Libya
Heinz: Qadafi is delusional thinking he can defend a city (#Tripoli) with heavy weapons. In urban fighting, heavy weapon don't work. #Libya