ajelive: AJELive: #Libya :rebels have claimed control of the centre of #Brega, but questions remain about their control o...http://t.co/3evKeCa42 minutes ago 12 retweet
Libyen: Rebellen nehmen Brega ein - Für Gaddafi wird es enger - Hamburger Abendblatt: Deutschland TodayLib...
abendblatt.de/politik/article1998308/Rebellen-nehmen-Brega-ein-Fuer-Gaddafi-wird-es-enger.html“Rebellen nehmen Brega ein - Für Gaddafi wird es enger: Nach dem Wohngebiet haben Rebellen nun auch das Industrie.. ”
Libia: Rebeldes afirman que controlan Brega y refinería a 50km de Trípoli : Noticiero Digital
noticierodigital.com/2011/08/libia-rebeldes-afirm...e-controlan-brega-y-refineria-a-50km-de-tripoli/“#Follow1x1 Libia: Rebeldes afirman que controlan Brega y refinería a 50km de Trípoli: Benga... http://t.co/QGR55Sf #TeamFollowBack#F4F ”
Libyan rebels 'take control' of Brega - Africa - Al Jazeera English
english.aljazeera.net/news/africa/2011/08/201182013626871597.html“Libyan rebels 'take control' of central Brega - Africa - Al Jazeera English http://t.co/byD3E0D via @ajenglish ”
matthewwprice: No 2nd source 4 rebel claims 2 hv taken Zlitan/Brega. If true G-forces either pulling back to defend #Tripolior losing will/capacity #Libya43 minutes ago 4 retweet
changeinlibya: @matthewwprice They have taken Zliten completely and that was confirmed by people on the ground. Bregais still seeing clashes.47 minutes ago 3 retweet
Libyan rebels claim key town | World | RIA Novosti
en.rian.ru/world/20110820/165963845.htmlLibyan rebels capture oil hub Brega - Africa, World - The Independent
independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/libyan-rebels-capture-oil-hub-brega-2341009.htmlUpdated: Gaddafi’s former deputy defects, rebels capture oil hub Brega
maltatoday.com.mt/news/world/updated-gaddafi%E2%8...rmer-deputy-defects-rebels-capture-oil-hub-brega“Updated: Gaddafi’s former deputy defects, rebels capture oil hub Brega http://t.co/7fCKFY1 ”