Libyan rebels uncover Qaddafi hit list

Libyan rebels have uncovered a hit list with the names and addresses of about 60 of their leaders, during an operation to smoke out a suspected pro-Qaddafi sleeper cell, officials told AFP on Tuesday.
Files with sensitive information about key members of the rebels' political and military leadership were found at the headquarters of a Benghazi-based brigade -- now believed to have been secretly allied to Moammar Qaddafi's regime.
"There were around 60 people [on the list]," deputy rebel interior minister Mustafa al-Sagazly told AFP, including "members of the [National Transitional Council], the military council, the cabinet of the NTC executive."
"There were names and addresses," he said, "some of the addresses were correct."
The list was found during a operation against the Katiba Nida Libya -- or Libya's Call Brigade -- which is suspected of being a pro-Qaddafi cell that masqueraded as one of the plethora of loosely-linked volunteer units that make up the rebel army.
"They were a very serious threat," said NTC spokesperson Shamsiddin Abdulmolah, "they had a camp that was very well armed, with ammunition, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, explosives and enough food supplies for weeks
"They planned to spread death and destruction across Benghazi."
The group, whose exact number is not known, came under suspicion after being linked to an audacious Benghazi jail break that resulted in the escape of as many as 300 inmates, including some high value prisoners of war
At dawn on Sunday rebel security forces staged a five-hour raid on a Benghazi license plate factory where the group was holed up, leaving four rebels and five Qaddafi loyalists dead.
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