Friday, August 19, 2011

guma_el_gamaty: Breaking 70% of Zliten liberated clashes 2 liberate remain Dwaoo & Majr areas. FF will then push 2 Alkhoms

shabablibyaZliten: The city is now almost fully liberated - source #Libya22 minutes ago 24 
shabablibyaAlmanara: 30 martyred and 125 injured in the battle for Zliten so far today. The FF continue to advance#Libya #Zliten42 minutes ago 21 
shabablibyaالمنارة : 30شهيدا و 125 جريحا في زليتن و الثوار يتقدمون #Libya #Zliten 43 minutes ago 10 
fromjoanne#ZLITAN LPC journo just now : 29 FF Martyrs 120 injured FF in the Center, Close Combat Expecting Zliten F R E E today #Libya @AmmedShafi33 minutes ago 3 
guma_el_gamatyBreaking 70% of Zliten liberated clashes 2 liberate remain Dwaoo & Majr areas. FF will then push 2 Alkhoms city close 2 tripoli from East!!38 minutes ago 23 
kc_tripolitaniaBREAKING: Freedom Fighters have liberated the city of #ZLITEN - #Allahu #Akbar #TripoliCalling #Libya#Feb1740 minutes ago 9 
zlitniya#Zliten via direct phone call: city almost liberated! sone FF have entered city centre. Allahu Akbar!! #Libya#Feb17 #freedom @ShababLibya23 minutes ago 7 
shabablibyaIt is said that once Zliten falls, there is little resistance en route to Tripoli, it is thought there will be a rapid advance westward ia57 minutes ago 11 
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