enum68 Oliver
Less then 9 hours remaining: facebook.com / Event.php? eid = ...Twitter campaign for #Syria (now need a few hours of sleep, back in the morning ..) pls RT
enum68 Oliver
A small art piece dedicated to the most violent family (together w / the Gaddafis) #Syria Pic.twitter.com/BbwEd8H
Artfudd Art Folden
@Zzzbam1 @TheAtlantic .. and #Libya cheap compared to #Syriaif they should have to intervene there apparently.
Weddady Weddady
RT @Rallaf : #Syria ambassador: "Our prize is equal to democratically elected Sarkozy, Obama and the German Chancellor." Bit.ly/raNV0E
Marguer_d Marguerite Dehler
RT @Virtualactivism : #Syria arrests prominent #Humanrightsactivist Abdel Karim Rihawi, head of Syrian League ... (cont)Http://deck.ly/ ~ ZKwEe
Gracesanny2 Fiona O'Shaughnessey
Horrific testimony from #Hama - #Syria , on crimes against civilians, Aug 2011 youtube.com / watch? v = ORF67e ... via @youtube Heartbreaking Eng subtitles
Saramccnn Sara McDonald
@HalaGorani interview with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist @AnthonyShadid on the situation in #Syria Tinyurl.com/3jbz5ba#CNN
SoriaHorra Aysar
RT #Syria #Homs - Alqaseer (Detainees) - up to now (8.11.2011) Out of 700 detainees, these names were known: ...Http://bit.ly/ou36Nm
Weddady Weddady