NadiaMaddox Nadia
Blasts, sustained gunfire in #Tripoli, #Libya -Reuters witness | Reuters reut.rs/rukMVv via @reuters
NadiaMaddox Nadia
@richardengelnbc Highly unlikely but he could be planning to leave or not. Look at Sadam Hussein and clan, they didn't leave.
richardengelnbc Richard Engel
#libya Rebels themselves do not know if reports of qaddafi's departure are true. "we hope" they say
StopBombing Stop Bombing Libya
Spooks have definitely put on extra Twitter workers for what they presumably hope is the denouement of their attempt to re-colonize #Libya.
NadiaMaddox Nadia
richardengelnbc Richard Engel
Rebels themselves don't know if reports of qaddafi's departure are true. "we hope" they say..
NadiaMaddox Nadia
NadiaMaddox Nadia
AJA: #Tripoli residents receiving texts from regime telling them they must kill the FF #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes via @ShababLibya
littlelisa8 Lisa
“@feb17voices: AJA: Leader of Tripoli Battalion is on air now calls on #Gaddafi forces to lay down arms, surrender. #Libya”RT
littlelisa8 Lisa
“@Tripolitanian: AJA: #Tripoli Brigade (trained in Benghazi + Mntns) preparing to enter the capital soon. #Libya #Feb17”RT