On bright side, am with excellent group of journalists at #Rixos. We are feeling our way around corridors with candles. No power.
We'll try and come up on telephone for beepers on #CNN. Listen in for updates.
All electricity down, running low on food and water. Sitting at #Rixosin the dark as bullets fly outside.
Mood in #Rixos much darker than before. Everyone really worried about what's going to happen to us.
Apologies for being off Twitter. #Rixos coms down, almost impossible to phone out.
Amazing result for #England cricketers. Whitewash. Innings and 8 runs!!!
We offer extraordinary meeting of Contact Group at the highest level next week to set a new plan of action together with the Libyans Juppe
France offers to host contact group next week to discuss new #Libya. TNC will be here on Wed
Power cut in #Rixos !! If generator goes here, we will be cut off from outside world
.@Trevorbrown63 there will be no boots on the ground. special forces to secure strategic locations maybe.
.@RobertMcM81 yes i think he'd lost touch with reality. he was educated at LSE
situation very fluid in Libya. Still trapped inside the Tripoli Rixos hotel unable to leave. Sporadic gunfire all morning long.
.@owls_4life best guess - gaddafi still in Tripoli. but we must never forget how unpredictable he is.
however it is transmitting recorded old items - and certainly nothing to do with current events