@LibyaFactCheck #FF fairly successful against #Gaddafi forces in urban battles. If FF get to #Aziziya or #Zawiya very difficult to expel.
API - By sundown, the rebels had reached positions 12 miles (20 kilometers) south of the coastal town of Zawiya and 3 miles (5 kilometers) south of the town of Surman, said Abdulsalam Sloga, a rebel spokesman in Libya's Nafusa mountain range, southwest of the capital of Tripoli. Fighters also moved forward on the road to Aziziya, a town south of Tripoli, he said. Reaching the coast near Tripoli would mark a significant breakthrough in the civil war, which has been deadlocked for long periods. Rebels control eastern Libya, as well as the Nafusa mountains and the port city of Misrata in the west. Gadhafi has been hanging onto the rest of the territory. Wednesday, rebel fighters moved closer to Libyan coastal towns held by Moammar Gadhafi, scoring another significant gain in an offensive Click map to Enlarge
@LibyaFactCheck #FF fairly successful against #Gaddafi forces in urban battles. If FF get to #Aziziya or #Zawiya very difficult to expel.
Richard Fleming

15km South of Surman is now under FF control In addition a reconnaisance team is very close to the outskirt&wadi district via zintan FB #Libya
26 Maps #Libya #Feb17 Collection of Maps from the First Week of Aug 2011, Mahmia 40k S of Surman which 40k E of Tripoligoo.gl/fb/K9G5Z