RT @LibyanLion17: BREAKING - CONF. - Mass arrest campaign now going on in Alous and Qasr Khayr. Indiscriminate raiding of houses. #Libya
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FELDart Frank
RT @LibyanLion17: Main areas of the crackdown in #Gmata = Qasr Khayr and Alous. The latter esp. as they alway… (cont)deck.ly/~RK3ih
Libya_from_FR Sarah LFFR
#Gmata : Lignes téléphoniques coupé et Grosse campagne d'arrestations lancé dans Alous & Qasr Khayr. #Libye #17feb Via @LibyanLion17
LibyanLion17 A Free Libyan
LibyanLion17 A Free Libyan
BREAKING - Madar + Libyana phone lines cut off in #Gmata. #PrayforGmata and #PrayforFF there. #Libya #Feb17
MaryGreenCastle Mary ♡Freedom ✌Libya
@LibyanLion17. Thanks everyone who helped spread #Gmatanews. Keep it up! Hopefully more updates tomorrow. #PrayforLibya #PrayforFF G'Night!
Marguer_d Marguerite Dehler
RT @k_thos: Labelled at #Gmata (Al alous) on Road to Tripoli map:twitpic.com/66cdqg/full (Aug15 10h15pm)
Marguer_d Marguerite Dehler
.@libyanlion17: No big developments in #Gmata since last update. News will arise tomorrow, hopefully good. Will tweet as usual #Libya#Feb17
LVview sandra gore nielsen
@red_rogers RT @LibyanLion17 #Gmata is roughly everything between these co-ords - From 32°41'37"N 14°9'23"E to 32°42'23"N 13°51'3"E
venus_elrayes venus
@perfectsliders @libyanproud @LibyanLion17 #Gmata #Gamata #Feb17 #Libya ppl let's not forget el #kuffra. Also heroes like all libya
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
RRowleyTucson Robert Rowley
cinnamon_carter cinnamon_carter
RT @AmericaFreeTV @LibyanLion17 @bebird CONFIRMED - G sent two battalions to #Gmata - 1 outside Qasr Khayr and 1 around Ghaneema.
k_thos k kim
@libyanproud @LibyaNewMedia Labeled at #Gmata (Al alous) on Road to Tripoli map: twitpic.com/66cdqg/full
MaryGreenCastle Mary ♡Freedom ✌Libya
RT @LibyanLion17 ALL the #Gmata news is 100% Personally CONFIRMED. Check LIBYANLION'S timeline and RT ALL!! #PrayforGmata #Libya #Feb17
LibyanLion17 A Free Libyan
BREAKING - #Gmata - FFs destroy 5 G vehicles. 4 G troops died in the attack. Anti-G protests took place. #PrayforGmata #Libya #Feb17