walidshaari Walid Shaari Libya
Impressive support from #Benghazi 2 #Zawyiayoutu.be/hDUHrEeR3B0 May Allah bless. All gratitude & praise is 2 Allah #Libya
BRQNews2 BRQNews برق
Impressive support from #Benghazi 2 #Zawyiayoutu.be/hDUHrEeR3B0 May Allah bless. All gratitude & praise is 2 Allah #Libya
Ooouups Moi en vrai ®
RT @ArabRevolution: RT @feblib 3000 gaddafi soldiers are on their way to #Zawyia now, @NATO you better stop them.
sarahBenghazi sarah Benghazi
hellocarrot Samantha
RT @ArabRevolution: RT @feblib 3000 gaddafi soldiers are on their way to #Zawyia now, @NATO you better stop them.
ArabRevolution تباً لكم ياطواغيت
littlelisa8 Lisa
peraltenberg Per Altenberg
ehkayy FreeLibya.
“@feblib: Remember him? #Epiclibyanman twitpic.com/65ixss #Zawyia #Libya #Feb17” @Qahtani this one Allah yar7ama :(
sarahBenghazi sarah Benghazi
KetyDC Kety Shapazian
“@feblib: Remember him? #Epiclibyanman twitpic.com/65ixss #Zawyia #Libya #Feb17” (We will NEVER forget!)
Inphinite_ S. Al.
United4Libya LIBYAN
الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر #Zawyia
HafedAlGhwell Hafed Al Ghwell
walidshaari Walid Shaari Libya
RebeccaCMaas Rebecca C. Maas
LibyanHawk Faith freedom
GihanTadreft Gihan Badi
RT @HafedAlGhwell: #gheryan #zawyia are up and in play today ... if liberated, #tripoli will be totally encircled ---- #libya
libyanexpat Adel
RT @HafedAlGhwell #gheryan #zawyia are up and in play today ... if liberated, #tripoli will be totally encircled ---- #libya
HafedAlGhwell Hafed Al Ghwell
Inphinite_ S. Al.
One of my most painful moments in life was listening to #Zawyiabombarded for weeks, feeling helpless. #PrayForZawyia