RT @RRowleyTucson: Massive drive forward by #Nafusa #Freedomfighters today, got within 20kms of #Surman before encountering some resistance http://deck.ly/~BZwGt
Massive drive forward by #Nafusa #Freedomfighters today, got within 20kms of #Surman before encountering any resistance. #Libya #Feb17
@Thanku4theAnger how close are the freedom fighters to #surman after there victory in Bir al Ghanam ????
Clarification:Reason why you'e hearing lots of distances and towns: #BirGhanam front now split to #Surman and #Zawiyafronts . #Feb17 #Libya
VIDEO: #Gaddafi soldiers captured by #Freedomfighters in the Battle for #BirAlGhanem & #Surman road youtu.be/E6KOlT4Y__Y#Libya #Feb17
Thuwar wounded in today's battle 4 #BirAlGhanem at ZintanHospital, r from #Zintan #Sabratha #Surman & #Zawiyayoutube.com/watch?v=3PBFdG… #libya