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#Misrata rebel forces seize arms after routing pro-Gaddafi troopsgu.com/p/3xv2e/tw via @guardian #Libya
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While Libyan factions in Benghazi clash over control of army bases in the city, opposition forces further west have broken through government lines at Misrata, routing pro-Gaddafi units and seizing tanks, heavy artillery and rocket launchers.
Fierce fighting outside the besieged city that began with a government offensive on Saturday ended in what rebel commanders say was a rout, as opposition fighters advanced nine miles.
The collapse of government units was so complete that the rebels came upon a treasure trove of heavy artillery, tanks, armoured vehicles and small arms at an abandoned school complex outside the nearby town of Zlitan.
Meanwhile in Benghazi, Libyan factions clashed in the early hours with an armed gang they said was loyal to Muammar Gaddafi, the latest sign of growing lawlessness in the rebel-held east following the death of their military commander, Abdel Fatah Younis, apparently at the hands of rebel forces.