Video - Breaking News Videos from A few more ambulances for Tataouine & #Libya's #Nafusa Mtns are in the works. But we could use more. And we really need paramedics.19 hours ago 12 retweet
World Blog - NBC fixer killed by a rocket in Libya We (AJE) are in #birghanam and it's still under #rebels control; #Qadhafi tv claim is false #FFs #libya #Nafusa #Zawya24 hours ago 8 retweet
BBC News - Libya conflict: Rebels 'still holding' captured town“@libyanproud BBC reports that #Birghanam still held by FF 8/8 #Birghanem #Libya #Nafusa”
Press Release: Request to Investigate Massacre of Civilians of Al-Qala’a Nafusa Mountains August 9, 2011 « Shabab Libya
Tawasil Shipment to Jabal Nafousa Ramadan 2011.wmv - YouTube
“Much need fresh produce from #TawasilRelief arrives in #Nalut. Pls support #Nafusa, donate2 ur fav aid group #Libya ”
Nice short video - the possibilities of NYC rooftop farming More good news, the money from TNC/ finance arrived to #Nalut, and families are collecting them today (4) #Nafusa #Libya24 hours ago 17 retweet
ivancnn: Watch @holmescnn latest dispatch from rebel side of front-lines in #Nafusa Mountains. #Libya22 hours ago 10 retweet