perfectsliders perfectsliders
#Libya #Feb17 Al Jazeera live - The executive committee of theNational Transitional Council in Libya has been…
Caps34 Angela
MT“@AlArabiya_Eng: The Libyan rebel National Transitional Councilsuspends several of its key ministers #Libya” Already?!
Fissa82 Nafissa Assed
Al jazeera : the Transitional National Council dismisses theExecutive Office and ordered Mahmoud Jibril to...
Gaddafestrophe أمل ~~~ aml
Wait... what? @NTC_of_Libya RT @AlArabiya_Eng: BRK: TheNational Transitional Council suspends several of its keys ministers #Libya #Feb17
emmaomo2011 emmaomo
#Libya’s National Transitional Council has dissolved its executiveboard and has asked Mahmound Jabril, its chairman, to re-elect anew one.
3bdalrahman Abd Al-Rahman™
Libya's National Transitional Council dissolves ExecutiveCommittee, but its forces are still fighting. Would this weakenrevolution?
AlArabiya_Eng Al Arabiya English
The Libyan rebel National Transitional Council suspends several ofits key ministers #Libya
walkerdl Daniel Walker
RT @AlArabiya_Eng: The Libyan rebel National Transitional Councilsuspends several of its key ministers #Libya
funmoi Moni
RT @AlArabiya_Eng: The Libyan rebel National Transitional Councilsuspends several of its key ministers #Libya
Sonja_Jo Sonja Jo
RT @AlArabiya_Eng: The Libyan rebel National Transitional Councilsuspends several of its key ministers #Libya
Libyan4life Jeel Ghathub
#Libya's National Transitional Council has fired its executive boardand has asked Mahmound Jabril, its chairman, to re-elect a newone.
Sentletse Sentletse
Libyan rebels' Transitional National Council has dissolved itsexecutive committee. @Guma_el_gamaty. Are you now purgingal-Qaeda?
Libya_Now Anaya
RT @Fissa82: Al jazeera : the Transitional National Councildismisses the Executive Office and ordered Mahmou… (cont)
benonix Stephen Moss
Reports that Peckham High St has fallen to rebels. Hope they don'tdeclare Transitional National Council or the UN are sure to getinvolved
Fissa82 Nafissa Assed
Al jazeera : the Transitional National Council dismisses theExecutive Office and ordered Mahmoud Jibril to...
OttawaReporter Kathleen Harris
Primary challenge for National Transitional Council is creating"democratic culture" in Libya: Ambassador McCardell #ipca
sarahBenghazi sarah Benghazi
Al jazeera : the Transitional National Council dismisses theExecutive Office and ordered Mahmoud Jibril to re-form it.
Rahuba8 Rae B.
RT @LibyaAlHurraTV France gives US $259 million in #Gaddafifunds to rebels… #Libya #Feb17
feb17libya Feb17Libya
Transitional National Council is looking to increase oil productionfrom its facilities in Benghazi.… #Libya
RT @RichardGosling Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC)reveal their blueprint to takeover once Gad...
RichardGosling Richard Gosling
Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) reveal their blueprint totakeover once Gaddafi is toppled. #Libya
LibyaAlHurraTV LibyaAlHurra
NoonArabia نون عربيه
@Nefermaat @samwaddah @Snemyllas What happened to theTransitional or National council?