Friday, August 19, 2011

#AbuSaleem FROM INSIDE #TRIPOLI Reports of SOME prisoners esaced Not all Might hv smt to do with Explosion

FROM INSIDE  Reports of SOME prisoners esacped Not all Might hv smt to do with Explosion in  area this morning 

ray_224Just called my aunt (her husband is one of prisoners in #AbuSalim) HE'S ON HIS WAY HOOOOOMMMMMMMMEEEEEEE :D #Libya25 minutes ago 30 
franyafranyaRT @moiatable@libyanproud I have a confirm on #AbuSalim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooooohoooooooo #libyaPrisoners freed!19 minutes ago 3 
freebenghaziLibyaAlAhrar: thuwar free all prisoners from #AbuSalim prison in #Tripoli !!!! #Libya24 minutes ago 2 
littlelisa8@RRowleyTucson#Freedomfighters have managed to free the prisoners of #AbuSalim prison. #Libya#Feb17”RT18 minutes ago 
moiatable#AbuSalim is the most infamous of the #TripoliPrisons. The most crowded is #AynZar. Estimates of ca. 10K ppl in horrible conditions.56 minutes ago 6 
libyaalhurratvUnconfirmed: Libya Al Hrrar is reporting that prisoners at #AbuSalim were released.28 minutes ago 3 
ray_224OK most of my family was sleeping, i woke them all up to see this great news #AllahuAkbar #AbuSalim prisoners are out :D #Libya37 minutes ago 3 
ketydcWhat an epic moment!!!! I'm so happy for my Libyan friends :-)))))) #AbuSalim #AbuSleem51 minutes ago 3 
moiatable@LibyaInMe @Ray_224 this would be awesome news - but we need to keep proof of what happened in#AbuSalim!!!!35 minutes ago 2 
moiatable@libyanproud I have a confirm on #AbuSalim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooooohoooooooo21 minutes ago