France24_en FRANCE 24 English
RT @awtodd: FRANCE 24's @KarimHakiki tweets that the fight for the Bab al-Azizya compound is "far from over" and that he can hear gunfire.
EndTyranny101 Ahmed Sanalla
ceoDanya Danya B Mohammed
Please NOTE - Bab Al Azizya is HUGE ...you are seeing a small part of it .. Also their are rumors that it is also underground
feb17libya Feb17Libya
simmjazeera andrew simmons
Opp fighters still in Bab-Al Azizya compound.. some celebrating. Too early to tell outcome.
libyaoutreach Libya Outreach
REUTERS: FFs enter Bab Al Azizya reuters reporters at compound, FFs seen firing into air inside Gadhafi compound in celebration #Tripoli
journodave Dave Wyllie
Libyan rebels have entered Gaddafi's compound in Bab al-Azizyaaccording to a @reuters reporter on the ground
sharon_lynch sharon lynch
RT @Liberty4Libya: @TrablesVoice Bab Al Azizya has lights at all times it is not connected to the main gri… (cont) deck.ly/~wbj8R
Liberty4Libya Free Libya Now
Seif Gadafi was shown by Associated Press cameras to walk insideBab Al Azizya & then riding in a car asking people around him to ride with.