@libyanfslLibya NFSL
Revolutionaries manage to free all the prisoners inside Ain Zara prisons, which are mostly post-#Feb17 prisoners #Libya
Retweeted by fcukruna and others
FELDart Frank
RT @feb17libya: Libya Al Ahrar: Revolutionaries have freedprisoners from Ain Zara Prison #Libya #Feb17
feb17libya Feb17Libya
miloflamingo miloflamingo
RT @tripolitanian: Still up to 50,000 political prisoners in #Tripoli- especially Ain Zara's prison, its huge. #Libya #Tripoli #Feb17...
Tripolitanian Libyan
Still up to 50,000 political prisoners in #Tripoli - especially Ain Zara's prison, its huge. #Libya #Tripoli #Feb17 #MermaidDawn
o_lucky_me Tom_N
#Libya - Reports that 6,000 political prisoners have been released from Jdayda prison in #Tripoli... #Feb17 #MermaidDawn/via @diceylee808
diceylee808 Dicey Lee ✔
#Libya - Reports that 6,000 political prisoners have been released from Jdayda prison in #Tripoli... #Feb17 #MermaidDawn
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Tripolitanian Libyan