Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sabha 24hrs - fficulties with getting in touch with family, FFs blow up Mathaba in AlManshia area , demonstrations took place

gulf_of_sirteMany have reported difficulties with getting in touch with family back in both #Sirte and #Sabha#Libya#Feb17 #gaddaficrimes4 hours ago 3 
thanku4theangerSabha: FFs blow up Mathaba in AlManshia area ( HQ of Lijan Thawriya i.e. Gaddafi thugs) using RPGs with protests all over city #Feb17 #libya2 hours ago 10 
rrowleytucson#Sabha: Report demonstrations took place here today and a state of unrest continues till now. #Libya#Feb173 hours ago 
gulf_of_sirte#Sabha FB page report demos took place there today and a state of unrest continues till now. #Feb17#Libya2 hours ago 
libyanlion17#Sabha - Consistent electricity cuts, which has affected the water supply. Fuel supplies are also running low.#Libya #Feb1723 hours ago