alihabibi1 Ali Habibi
7amdi7 7amdi lE0
RT @ShababLibya: NTC Military spokesman: Negotiationsongoing, and we will wait as long as possible for a peacefuloutcome #Libya #Sirte
littlelisa8 Lisa
“@ShababLibya: NTC military spokesman: Our Forces are verypatient, they will wait for the possible peaceful outcome. #Libya #Sirte”RT
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
ShababLibya LibyanYouthMovement
Marguer_d Marguerite Dehler
RT @Jonny_Hallam: The #ntc army is insisting they be allowed toenter #sirte and the sirte elders are saying they must go round. #Libya
VinnysNews Vince (NewsBlogged)
#Libya Anti-Gaddafi forces tell Sky News they expect to reach #Gaddafi's hometown of #Sirte by the end of the day via @SkyNewsBreak
jocarva João Cunha
RT @Sirte_Feb17: Via Thuraya: Electricity still dn in #Sirte.Shortage in coal & wood supplies used 2 cook, gas running outquickly. #libya