@NormanausLuttenNorman Brenn
"TV Rebellion" In Tripoli Can Start Any Moment Nowmathaba.net/news/?x=628160 #Libya
"Tonight NATO carried out heavy bombings of several districts in Tripoli. As a result, about 100 people were killed, civilians among them. Rescuers are still working, which is why the exact number of the dead and wounded is still unknown.
Right after the bombing, gunfire was heard in the outskirts of the Libyan capital. Western media immediately reported that rebels had entered the city, and civil war started", said a representative of the Libyan Embassy in Moscow.
According to him, "some of the gunmen were arrested. Close inspection of the site showed that the rebels had been imitating clashes with the army and the police. Some of the rebels were wearing police and army uniforms. The recordings of the action made with professional cameras, were later to be sent to Western media. Some of the recording media were seized. The backdrop commentaries leave no doubt that it was only an imitation".
2011feb17 Tweeting Tripoli
In my neighborhood of about a 1000 homes, there used to be about 4 houses who raised Daffy's Green flag on their roofs. Today I see none :)
The Libyan Embassy representative also said that "there are still some "sleeping cells" in Tripoli at the moment, acting against the government".
"Records showing dead bodies were also seized from the arrested. Voice over contends that those are the participants of anti-Gaddafi demonstrations in Tripoli, supposedly killed by the "bloody regime". The dates at the recordings, however, are the 22nd and the 23rd of August. The background clearly indicates that the recordings were made in Benghazi, but not in Tripoli", added the Embassy representative.
2011feb17 Tweeting Tripoli
Sorry guys last night I had to flee because GF started indiscriminate and random shelling of houses using Mortars and Anti-Aircraft guns.
Meanwhile, according to a Russian military-diplomatic source, the operation aimed at Gaddafi's elimination and forming of public opinion by NATO special forces "is about to start any moment".
"Our data show that there are 15-17 small diversionary groups acting in Tripoli and its outskirts. Most of their members are employed by private US and British military companies. There are also saboteurs from the Foreign Legion. The acts of sabotage committed, there will be a helicopter landing in Tripoli airport, NATO special services troops onboard in order to [do so under the excuse to] protect civilians", he added.