Saturday, August 20, 2011

#Tripoli richardengelnbc lots of gunfire, AJA “'Blasts, sustained gunfire nytimes sustained gunfire

richardengelnbc@libya libyan tv reporting qaddafi has fled with two sons33 minutes ago 174 
nbcnewsCorrespondent @richardengelnbc reports "The fight for Tripoli has begun." #Libya10 minutes ago 65 
bencnnWhatever is happening in #Tripoli, what is screamingly obvious is that #Qadhafi's 42-year rule of #Libya is nearly over. #feb1712 minutes ago 164 
richardengelnbc#libya still lots of gunfire.. but reports from here in libya still unconfirmed55 minutes ago 24 
matthewwpriceI'm no expert but the explosions are not #Nato as far as I can tell. No sound of jets. Gunfire still heard. Lots of it. Distant. #Libya52 minutes ago 63 
matthewwpriceLot of heavy gunfire and explosions now being heard at #Rixos from Northerly direction. Ie towards centre#Tripoli #Libya57 minutes ago 76 
matthewwpriceCredible source tells BBC of heavy fighting inside central #Tripoli #Libya45 minutes ago 89 
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