Friday, August 19, 2011

Video - How about this for unity? Benghazi's reaction to Tripoli's struggle tonight #Libya#Feb17 #prayfortripoli ”

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“How about this for unity? Benghazi's reaction to Tripoli's struggle tonight #Libya#Feb17 #prayfortripoli ”
shabablibyaLots of news coming out of Tripoli tonight, we will try to confirm what we have and tweet as soon as possible#prayforTripoli #Libya45 minutes ago 31 
ceodanyathats by my house! #pray4TRIPOLI @libyanfsl Heavy gunfire heard in Gergaresh & Andalus district on the western part of Tripoli #Feb17 #Libya47 minutes ago 8 
paulmasonnewsA shudder goes thru Twitter as ppl realise battle of Tripoli probly started (follow @acarvin and others during night)36 minutes ago 19 
drsonnet@Egyptocracy @acarvin I am afraid #Gaddafi prepares a military trick for rebels. He is a snake. #Libya #tripoli58 minutes ago 3 
tripoli_latestI want to calm every1. #Tripoli is mobilising, but the streets are not full of people, nor are there clashes on every corner. #MermaidDawn5 minutes ago 19 
moam84Tripoli we can do it, #FajrAl3rous is our time, Ya Rab protect us and give us victory, never been this excited than tonight ALLAHU AKBAR!26 minutes ago 9 
ceodanyasource in #TRIPOLI says: Road from AlSarraj area leading into #Tripoli town centre blocked with concrete bollards..45 minutes ago 12 
shahrazadkablanTripoli in our hearts and prayers.. You will be free sooooooon..55 minutes ago 13 
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